Aries Ascendant | Appearance and Characteristics

Aries Ascendant
Hey!! How all you doing. Here now am back with the most interesting series i;e Ascendant Sign. Ascendant is the first house, the sign that rises high in the sky. Ascendant is the secret, its one soul its ones character and way of thinking.  So, here today am going to reveal all the details of each rising sign. So guys lets begin with the first Zodiac Sign.

Aries Ascendant.

Aries is the first sign in the Zodiac table. This sign is ruled by the Malefic Planet Mars. Aries is the ruler and Mooltrikon sign for Mars.

Appearance of Aries Ascendant :

According to Astrology, Aries ascendant persons will have a bony or angular face having a distinctive mark like a scar or a mole. They have broad temples, narrow chin, witty hair and Greyish eyes.

Characteristics of Aries Ascendant :

Aries Ascendant are prone to be more Aggressive and will have interest in Social works and political activities. They may have head and face injury ( left side for Males and right side for Females)

As Mars rules Army. These people can be great Military Agents and Soldiers, they can be very brave and Confidence. They can also try their luck in fields related to Business, Politcs, Chemical industries.

Secret Abilities of Aries Ascendant :

Aries people can have the ability to become Philosophers, Preachers and Motivation teachers. It is quite difficult for these natives to Identity these abilties in them.

Aries Personalities :

Salman Khan